Enterprise Mobility – Webcast on November 3rd 2015

Matti Cloud, Development, Mobile, Tech, Webcasts

A new webcast regarding Enterprise Mobility will be provided next week, November 3rd 2015. Please do not hesitate to join if you are interested. The webcast will be provided for free and will focus on enterprise mobility aspects and include an overview of Oracle’s mobility offering: Mobile Cloud Service (MCS). Registration is required. Register here: https://oracletalk.webex.com/oracletalk/onstage/g.php?MTID=e297ae2dffc85ce1f650d101adaeea6a0 Webcast details Build Your …

Cloud Security

Matti Cloud, OnPremise, Security, Tech

There were 79 big public cyber attacks in August 2015, according to Hackmageddon cyberattack and data breach monitoring. This number covers the discovered and publicly announced attacks found so far. But this is just a tip of the iceberg. In addition there were: Nearly 1 million new malware threats released every day – based on CNN News 20 million network …

Website Updated

Matti Uncategorized

Hey! I have updated the website with new layout and look&feel. Please feel free to comment the new site. And if you have any feedback or issues, please do not hesitate to contact me using the Contact Form (use subject: Feedback). At the same time, the hosting provider has been changed and whole website content being erased. I will be …